Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dolly the Miniature Horse, all love and kisses

Back a few years ago, my daughter and I decided to purchase a miniature horse. We had in mind using her for a therapy horse and doing some driving with her. We were at an auction and they had two black mares that just came in. No one bid on them at the auction and we left there with our hearts thinking about them. They were so beautiful. One had a white spot on the very end of her withers where the mane stops. They other was solid color. A few days later I saw the auctioneer and asked if he still had them. He said he sold one of them, but still had the other. I told him I wanted her. So we arranged for pickup at the barn. I took my pickup with a box we had built for sheep and goats on the back.We were so excited to see if we got the one with the spot, and sure enough to our delight! She was so beautiful with her black, shiny coat. This little mare is 31 inches tall and she fit in the box nicely, so she got loaded by three of us picking her up and putting her in the box. We were so excited to get her home, but hungry so we stopped at McDonald's to grab a quick lunch. When we left the truck and walked toward the restaurant, the little mare let out a large whinny. People exiting Mickey D's were looking around for a horse trailer or horses in a pasture to no avail. I walked by and said "don't look at us". Then we laughed to ourselves as no one would know we had a horse with us, because most certainly would not fit in that box! This little mare was a doll, so we call her Dolly. It fits her so well.

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