Saturday, May 10, 2008

My experience with Colic and Reiki

If you catch colic in the beginning stages, it is much more condusive to responding to any kind of treatment. I had a Morgan mare, who was prone to colic. I had one experience where she had choke and was miserable, but the vet gave her Banamine, it slowed her system and finally it worked it's way out. Later, after being bred, the people who were boarding her caught her in the first stages of colic, this person spent time walking her and rolling magnet messagers over her and eventually she stopped the symptoms. There were two cases she coliced and at the time, I was supplimenting my hay with alfalfa Triforage Horsehae. I fed her a handful and it acted like a sedative. She rested and both times she came out of it within a couple of hours.

I have had experiences where, pregnant mares have colic. It is much like women who suffer with sickness through a pregnancy. I knew that getting the horse to rest and work out what was causing the problem was my goal. Again I fed Triforage Alfalfa, they immediately rested and worked through it.

I recently stopped to visit a farm near me and realized they had a colicing horse. They were leading him, trying to keep him from laying down. He was spazzing and kicking at his belly. He had passed a quite watery stool which is not a good sign. They had called the vet, but he had two other emergencies. I asked if I could do Reiki on him and they agreed. I chose positions on the back that were positions for acupressure to do my Reiki. I laid my hands on him and he calmed right down. He stood for me to do treatment and then we walked him around a couple of times. He was releasing gas constantly as I was working on him. Then I did more Reiki and walked him again, he passed a stool, and he started to notice things around him, becoming less lethargic and more responsive. I worked again and after the next walk, he wanted to lay down and as long as he laid calmly, I knew he would be fine. He laid out flat and rested for a bit, sat up, got up and we walked him around again. This time he stood a minute and reached down and started eating. He has been fine since.

Giving energy releases tied up energy in the body, whether it be human or animal. The energy is free from God's universe, the Reiki practioner is just the vessel from which it is directed. Energy pushes energy, and when there is stagnant energy from stress, this burst of energy pushes that out to release the pent up problem.

There are alternative ways to treat a horse that just begins to colic, but I believe you must see results quickly, meaning your horse goes into a relaxed state, or it is time to call your vet.

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