Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dakota, The Pinto Foal

Dakota was born on the coldest night of the year, January 18, 2003. It was 18 below zero and I had checked his mom at nine p.m. and she seemed fine. I had been watching her close and it was difficult, as she was having her first foal, to really know what was going on with her. I went out at ll:45 and she met me at the gate and I looked at her and thought oh no, and in the corner of the stall I could see movement. To my sigh of relief, here stood the most vivacious baby. He was totally dry except for the tips of his ears. It was so cold and they were a bit curled, so I kept trying to warm them with my fingers and get them to dry out. I covered his ears with a scarf. Of course it was hard to keep it in place, The weather was below zero for three days. I made "Cody" as we call him, wool hats and leg wraps as it was so cold, and he wore two blankets. His mom was very smart and took him out side to be in the sun during the day. It was much warmer than the barn! Cody did very well and grew so well all winter. He did loose the tips of his ears, but from experience in the dairy industry, I know the initial damage was done soon right after birth. that circulation just doesn't get to thin areas such as ear tips. Cody is a very special boy and is my daughters pride and joy. She has great asperations for him and with his pinto markings and those ears just a little short make him the most unusual horse. He is truly a blessing. Cody is a pinto with a partial blue eye and very unique markings. He has a flying bird on his neck on the left and a horse head and body on the right side. With a blaze and a 1/4 blue eye and his slightly short ears, he will be well known for his unique look once he's out on the hunt course!!

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